The series Rüm Hart - Klaar Kiming is an ongoing project exploring the unique landscape the Wadden Sea, a landscape shaped by wind and tides. The title of the work, which can be translated with “open heart – clear horizon”, originates from Plattdeutsch, an ancient language only few people know today. Though it is not entirely clear where this stance on life originated from, it has become closely connected to the people living on these lands.
The series Rüm Hart - Klaar Kiming is an ongoing project exploring the unique landscape the Wadden Sea, a landscape shaped by wind and tides. The title of the work, which can be translated with “open heart – clear horizon”, originates from Plattdeutsch, an ancient language only few people know today. Though it is not entirely clear where this stance on life originated from, it has become closely connected to the people living on these lands.